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A Long Way from Chicago by Richard Peck

I’m starting to question just how effective my elementary school was at getting us to read. At this point in quarantine, I thought I had read through all the books in the house, but yet again, I’ve found a book from my elementary school’s book exchange. I don’t recall if I read this book and simply forgot, or if I just never read it in the first place. Either way, I’m just surprised that I seemed to have acquired a shelf-full of books from the school, that I never bothered to remember or read. In this case, I read A Long Way from Chicago by Richard Peck. I’m actually quite glad I found this book because it was just what I needed during this time. The book is a piece of historical fiction that tells the story of Joey and his sister Mary Alice, city children from Chicago who visit their Grandma Dowdel in her sleepy, rural town during eight summers between 1929 to 1942, the years of the Great Depression. Soon enough, they find that it's far from sleepy, and Grandma Dowdel is far f

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