Some Quaran-memes and Other Assorted Uplifting Things

by Elle Maurer
Hey guys, I know we all sorta feel like we're drowning in boredom, loneliness, and generally feeling kinda crappy (no matter how much we all don't want to admit it). I want to take some time to share with you some fun things I've done, some memes that have made me chuckle, and some other generally happy things. Feel free to copy off of me if y'all are insanely bored and having nothing else to do.

Here's the first puzzle I did this quarantine, it took me a good three days, but weirdly the first time I ever did it, it took me almost six months. I think quarantine has boosted my focus, well maybe on stuff not related to school.

Hey, another puzzle. Mr. Owl didn't take me anymore than three hours the first time. I've done it a good four or five times now and it usually takes me about a half hour at this point.

Conspiracy theory? I'm thinking yes.

Okay, at this point we all know we're never getting anymore butt napkins, but I appreciate the effort of the skull man. Also in the wise words of my father, "Toilet paper is a luxury during the apocalypse."

This is giving me aggressive angsty teen tumblr vibes, but somehow is also completely accurate.

Maybe I'll have to meet a penguin after quarantine so I can experience the level of joy she's feeling.

Okay, how has this meme guy not died yet, hes almost as immortal as Queen Elizabeth.

Sorry Mr. Mitchell, but this is totally you. *We still love you lots though* Also, may we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that when I sent this to Mr. Mitchell he sent me back a paragraph analyzing it.

This one is pretty self explanatory, but I know we all can make it through this, we just gotta stick together.

I'm kinda thinking maybe we should make mayor Stubbs president at this point.

Anyway, thank y'all for reading and I hope you guys are finding good ways to occupy yourself and not go absolutely insane. Also, am I the only one who always notices birds when I go outside since Mr. Stone's bird watching assignment? Help?!?!?


  1. When first reading the title of this post, I thought you meant "Quaran" as in the Islam holy book, but I get it now. Nice job with the puzzles. The memes are also pretty good. I like your commentary on each of them too. Overall, this was a nice blog post. Also yes, I also notice the birds (they work for the bourgeoisie right?).

  2. Similar to Vraj I also though you mean the "Quaran" as in the holy Islam book but I too understand it now. I like how you went into brief, yet satisfactory commentary about each of the memes you posted. I really like this blog post and we all need something uplifting at a time like this . Nice job!

  3. Similar but also different to Vraj and Eli, I misread your title as "Quarren-memes" as in the Star Wars race of squid people, and I was very excited. But alas, it was not to be, although these memes were still funny. Being Canadian, I am obligated to say the one that related to the queen was my favourite (God Save the Queen!), but they were all entertaining. May many bolognas entertain you in this trying time!

  4. This was a really nice article and it lifted my spirits during these tough times. This really showed me the ways that others are spending their quarantine and gave me many new ideas on how I can pass time to keep myself from being bored. Great article!


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