The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate

       Though having to stay inside for most of the day is quite boring and has taken a lot of opportunities away from us, it has given me a lot of time. Usually I can use this time to do work or just relax a bit more, but I also get more time to find books in the home that I haven’t had a chance to read. One of these books is The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate. I don’t exactly remember where I got this book from, but I’m going to assume it was from a book fair in the 5th grade because that’s where I got a lot of books from.
       The One and Only Ivan is a unique novel based somewhat on a true story that follows Ivan, a Silverback gorilla that has been put in a glass display cage for most of his life at the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade. The story is told from the point of view of Ivan in which he expresses his own thoughts about TV shows he’s seen and about his friends Stella, an elderly elephant, and Bob, a stray dog. But Ivan mostly thinks about art and how to capture things like the taste of a mango or the sound of leaves with color and drawings. He barely even cares or thinks about his old life in the jungle. However, one day, a baby elephant named Ruby is taken from her home and brought to the Big Top Mall and Video Arcade. Eventually the two begin to connect and Ruby makes Ivan see their old homes through new eyes. At the same time, big changes are coming to the mall and Ivan has to protect Ruby as things begin to get chaotic.
       I left the summary on a bit of a cliffhanger there because this book is definitely worth reading and it will take you very little time. The thing that makes this book so unique is that Applegate tried to really capture the experience of what it would be like for a character like Ivan, who is a gorilla, to narrate. Ivan’s narration of his life is really simple but also honest, tender and very innocent. Ivan’s narration involves the use of very simple sentence structures and even some simple rhymes too. It’s written in such a way that it’s almost like Ivan is keeping a diary. There are no chapters, but at the top of every few pages, it will say something like “angry”, or “mud”. These headers represent the topic that Ivan talks about for a brief moment. It’s almost like reading a child narrate the experiences they have to go through, which I find very unique.
       Overall, I think The One and Only Ivan is a great read. The only problem I could see people having with it is that the language is very simple (as it's supposed to imitate a gorilla’s thoughts). However, if you look past that, it’s a very quick, but touching read. I would give it 11.5/13 bologna slices.


  1. Great review! I read The One and Only Ivan a few years ago (I think I also got it from a book fair in elementary school) and was also interested in the way the book is structured. In general, I found this aspect of the book to be fun and different from most books I read, but at times it did get a little repetitive. Since the libraries closed, I’ll probably try to find The One and Only Ivan and reread it sometime this week. Overall, your review showed the basic plot and gave enough of the unique aspects of the book that anyone who is interested could read it without already knowing the entire plot.

  2. Awesome review! I haven't read this book, but it sounds like one I might put on my bucket list. It's nice how you capture the writing style of the narrator, especially since he is a gorilla with different emotions than a human. It's interesting how Ivan has a sense of art and seems to carry a lot of the same traits as an intelligent man/woman. Also, thanks for not spoiling the book too much. That was nice of you. Again, great review!

  3. Just like you, I read this book in elementary school and I really liked it. You did a good job of summarizing the book while not spoiling too much, and I like your assessment of how Applegate tries to portray a gorillas thoughts. I also agree that the book is touching and kind of has a deeper meaning. Great review that helped me relive a good book!

  4. I also read The One and Only Ivan in elementary school and I had almost forgotten about it until I read this review. I agree with what you said about it. I think it felt more amazing for me back then due to its simple language, but I still think its story surpasses many other novels. Your summary was quick and efficient, and I appreciate that you didn't spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it. Overall, great review.

  5. I’ve never read this book before, but your review makes me wish I did! Even just looking at the cover instills nostalgia and brings back memories of similar-looking books that I used to love. I like your explanation of the perspective and writing style, and you describe the premise in a detailed yet concise manner. Great review.

  6. I remember this book being one of my favorite reads from my elementary book fair, so it's really cool to see you review it! You did a really nice job of summarizing the story and describing the aspects of the story without revealing any major plot points. Awesome review!


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