Top 5 Best Places/Times to Read During Quarantine

by Jack Holder

     During this trying and potentially boring time of stay-at-home orders, we sometimes need to just sit down and read a book. For me, there a few main places and times that are the best to read a book, whether it be just to be comfortable or to wind down. So now, without further ado, here, in no particular order, are the 5 best places/times to read at home.

1. In Your Bed

Your bed is usually going to be pretty comfortable and it offers many options in terms of positioning. You can lie down fully, you can lie with your back propped up, you can sit down, etc. This makes it so that you can change positions every once in a while to stretch. They also offer a retreat from family members.

2. On a Couch

Couches are great for a similar reason that a bed is great: lots of (but not quite as many as a bed) positioning options. One main problem with couches is that they are usually near communal family areas, so you have to deal with pesky family members always trying to get something from you. 

3. Before You Sleep

If you're the type of person who stays up on electronics until the ungodly hours of the morning and you're almost dying from a lack of sleep, reading a chapter or two of a book before you try to fall asleep can really help you get some better sleep. It also makes sure that you're still doing some reading every day and not just playing games.

4. Outside

By outside, I of course mean on a porch/patio/lawn, maybe a park bench(I don't know if you're supposed to do that or not). Making sure you're getting some fresh air is important, reading while doing it makes it more enjoyable, and the experience is currently made even better by the stay-at-home order because there is less traffic, which means a quieter and more peaceful reading environment.

5. When You Should be Doing Something Else

This one needs some explaining as to why it's a good time, but that's why I'm here. So, in my experience with reading, whenever I have something else that I should be doing, the book gets really interesting, like it knows that I need something really good out of the book to keep me with it. So, if you want a really good book, pick one up when you have other things to do and voila, best book you've ever read.

Honourable Mention. Your Favorite Chair

Some people have a favorite chair, and that's a fine place to read, too. If chairs are your thing, yo go for it, but I prefer all of these other entries.

This has been the 5 best places/times to read during quarantine, I hope you were enlightened. Disagreements? Agreements? Ego-boosters? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I agree with your ranking for the most part, but I do think reading before you sleep should be in second place. I'm not one to stay up on electronics (unless kindles count) but I am someone who reads "until the ungodly hours of the morning" on a somewhat regular basis, especially since quarantine started. So, in my opinion, reading on a couch is not nearly as good as reading before bed. Overall, this was a unique post and I enjoyed reading it.

  2. I agree with your post. My personal favorites are "on your bed" and "your favorite chair," as these are comfortable places in my room. I do feel like favorite chair should be in the actual "top 5," but that's just what I think. Now, for ego-boosters. Wow Jack, what an amazing blog post. Your wonderful mind once again came up with an idea for a blog post that does not directly involve a book. I applaud you. Ok, that's all. Happy quarantine!

  3. I would love to read in YOUR bed. Just kidding, unless...

    It seems that you have still written a blog post about an actual book. For this next blog rotation I actually challenge you to review a book. But this post does bring up some good points. With all of this quarantine stuff it would be nice to sit down and really appreciate a book in its essence. I will be sure to take your recommendations under my advisement, but please, review a book; I beg.


  4. I absolutely love your completely off-topic book 'reviews.' Your ranking is fairly nice... however i'd like to propose an even better option. My dad and I made a window seat in my room, as I have a really weirdly shaped room with a weird alcove with a giant window, and it's absolutely my favorite place to sit and read or get my schoolwork done. Especially when it's midday and there's a whole bunch of fresh sunlight. I'd definitely recommend anywhere where there's actual sunlight way higher- and personally I'd rank it higher than 4th place.

  5. Yet another very unique post from the Bologna Blog. By now, I know I will never be disappointed by your posts. This post was very original and I enjoyed reading it. I like how you gave several reasons for each ranking, but didn't make them too long to avoid it being boring. Personally, I would switch #4 and #2. I have read outside a few times since the break and have had positive experiences with it, and I can definitely relate to there being annoying family members.

  6. I mostly agree with your rankings, but I would switch outside, and before you go to sleep. I find it much easier reading outside than it is right before bed. I agree that your bed is the best place to read though. There is a very large variety of positions to read in, and you don't have to worry about family members. And I totally get what you mean about number five

  7. My favorite in number 5-when you should be doing something else. I think #5 should come in first place. The suggestions are spot on as some of my favorite places to read and I mostly agree with their rankings. Sadly, they all have their ups and downs. It's hard to find the perfect place to read. For example, in a bed my neck hurts, on a couch my back hurts, before I sleep my eyes hurt, and outside my face hurts (wind+bugs+my hair=h-e-double hockey sticks). Just kidding. They're all great spots to read. Thanks for reminding me of the option to read outside! I might try it (from the safety of my room as I open the window).


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