Random Things Relating to the Blogs

by Jack Holder
Image result for the onion"
Warning: Definitely NO Satirical Elements Ahead

1: An Long Anticipated Update on my Last Post (read it if you haven't already)
     So, in the last month and a half, the international views on The Bologna Blog have almost doubled. It's at 161, up from 87. Russia continues to lead by far, with Ukraine having up a comfortable lead in second over France, in third. 6 of these views are from new countries, which are Singapore with 5 and Brazil with 1. The fact that the Russian and Ukrainian views continue to rise rapidly towards election time could be a signal of a similar situation to last election, with bots spreading false information about candidates in order to manipulate votes. I will continue to monitor the situation as it develops and most likely include updates in my next posts until the end of the year. 

2: A Short Review of Warcross by Marie Lu
     I recently finished reading Warcross, which I received for Christmas coincidentally after just reading Sarah's review of Warcross. I enjoyed the book, which contained lots of action and suspense that probably weren't good for my sleeping habits. It had a good mix of action, suspense, and character building, which made me feel like I knew the characters like they were my friends. The ending was a HUGE cliffhanger that left me with so many questions, which was bad because I was trying to get some sleep before the Bio test. The previews for other books at the end of Warcross were also interesting as I didn't realize that there was another book added to the Legend series called Life After Legend which is quite new. Overall, I would definitely recommend Warcross to anyone that liked Legend or who is in the Sci-Fi genre, and many Bolognas to this book!

3: You're Welcome (definitely not intentionally egotistical)
     To the many people who have been publishing non-book review content, you're welcome. I awakened your inner desire to talk about topics other than a book review with my amazing and not-at-all satirical post: "Is Russia Spying on Us Through Our Blogs?". I spread the word of Mr Mitchell, who confirmed that the blogs should be book/blog-related, but don't have to be book reviews. A post that also came soon after mine was Zev's "Shakespearean Insults" which was an instant hit (although I was the one who told him to write something other than a book review). I also take credit for Cameron's recent controversial post "A Review of Your Reviews by Cameron McGill" in which he talks about what he doesn't like about everybody's book reviews, and then Wes writes basically an entire blog post in the comments that would have generated more of a discussion had it been posted as its own blog post, because people often don't respond to comments on a post. So, in short, you're all welcome for this!

Works Mentioned


  1. This was a cool post. I liked how it wasn't really a post on one specific topic, but rather an update/random stuff blog post. You do bring up a good point about the spreading of propaganda. I enjoyed reading the Legend series, so I really hope to read the next book. Also, good job taking credit of what you believe is your doing, lol. Nice blog post!

  2. I really appreciated the variation and humor of this blog post. You're right, reading just a bunch of book reviews can be slightly tedious and mundane, so changing it up a bit every now and then is like a breath of fresh air. Your personal voice shows through this piece, and the sense of relatability, by incorporating that tiny bit about the Bio test allows the reader to connect with you. Overall, great blog post!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. The compliments were too kind, and since I am such a humble person, I just couldn't have all of this praise on my post

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I enjoyed reading about the variety of topics you covered in this post. It is kind of odd that so many of our blog views come from Russia and Ukraine. I have not had the chance to read Warcross yet, but I want to in the future. Great blog post!

  5. I had only read blogs reviewing books up to this point, so this was an interesting change of pace. I hadn't read any of the other non-review blogs you mentioned, so thanks for pointing them out-- the Russian views are slightly concerning, and I will definitely refer to the Shakespearean insults page next time I get into an argument. Also, Warcross looks pretty interesting, I might check it out at some point. Cool post!

  6. I'm actually rather glad that I used a comment (or two I should say) to respond of Cameron's blog post about blogs. I was afraid that if I had made a blog post about a blog post about blog posts, the meta-ness would have just ascended straight through the roof. I also felt as if calling someone out in a blog post would have been a bit too controversial and aggressive (not to say the comment is any less aggressive). A comment is also a lot less personal, where as a blog post almost feels as if you are calling out the author in from of a crowd. I wanted to be somewhat courteous. To any person who is reading this comment and wants to check out my comments of Cameron's blog post (the comments I wrote are pretty cool in my opinion), go to: https://blogfrogclogsmog.blogspot.com/2019/12/a-review-of-your-reviews-by-cameron.html#comments , you won't be disappointed. I also see you cited your sources, so thank you for paying homage to me, I am truly humbled.

    I think that it should also be brought up one of the Wesnaclama Blog's viewers is using Internet Explorer. Come on, it's 2020. It also seems that one, only one, of our viewers is from the UAE, so to whoever that person is, I hope that you're a rich prince because I need a sugar daddy. On the flip side, all of our viewers are now coming from the Language and Literature website, which is a drastic improvement. Who would watch adult content then go directly to to a high school english class's blog? It must be those bots who are trying to influence voters. After reading your blog post, I have indeed noticed that some of Vraj's recent blog posts and comments have had a pro-Russian tinge to them, so I think that it would be beneficial for me, you, and the rest of America to do some further investigating.

    Nice blog post.

  7. Due to these posts that you do - I looked into BloggerFroggerClogger's audience analytics. Turns out- we have Ukraine in 2nd- with 136 views. Then comes portugal, then france (should I write a review in french?) 2 viewers in russia, and one from an unknown region, then one from United Arab of Emirates. I then discovered that one of the viewers read our blog from snapchat.. as a browser. Since when is snapchat a browser? Also how do you read a blog on snapchat? I am sad to report that 28 of our viewer's viewed our blog using internet explorer. Come on- get chrome! I've had quite a fun time looking at these statistics- and I think I'll make it regular to check them.


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