Is Russia Spying on Us Through Our Blogs?

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Image result for russia spying on us
         by Jack Holder    

    As I was looking around The Bologna Blog for ideas to post about, I encountered the stats page for our blog and noticed something very strange. Before I tell you what that strange thing was, I encourage you all to look at your own stats pages as they have some interesting things on them, such as views by country, browser, operating system, and where people are getting redirecting to the blog from. Now for the strange thing I noticed about the stats page. I noticed that there were 87 views on our blog that were from places scattered around the globe. There were also 3 views from an unknown location. The biggest and second biggest international viewer locations were Russia and Ukraine. These places both have a sketchy history with the USA, and it is strange that random people from Russia would just randomly look at an American high school blog. So now the question is: why are the Russians reading our blogs? I have no definite answers. Perhaps they are spying. Perhaps they are just interested in our blogs. We may never know.                There were also other things that I found interesting in the stats of our blog. One of these things was the fact that, according to the stats, there were 3 pageviews from devices that were running on the Unix operating system. What even runs on Unix anymore? There were also 1 person each using the browsers Silk, Internet Explorer, and Ice Cat. Apparently Silk is an Amazon browser and Ice Cat is a Firefox rebranding by the GNU project. All of these things and more can be found in the stats page of your blogs, so I encourage you all to check them out. 

если вы из России, пожалуйста, оставьте комментарий


  1. Interesting post! I just looked at the stats on my blog, and it also has page views from Russia and Ukraine. I also noticed that a website other than the class blog page links to our blog posts, which could be related to the views from other countries.

  2. Your blog post brings up an important topic about the internet world. One can easily access any website from across the world without having to try that hard. I checked on my blog, and there seems to not be any views outside of the United States. Maybe it's some bot checking out your book reviews? Anyway, good job!

  3. This was a really interesting post! I also found another website that linked to our blog, and it had the same number of page views coming from it as were from Ukraine in our country stats. Like Vraj said, this is a relevant and important issue, and it's important to be aware of how much the Internet can see of our lives.

  4. This post was very intriguing and I am glad to know that people are bringing this issue and concern to light. Thank you for speaking out about this important topic and showing the world what is going on.

  5. I have no words for your post, and I am in fact not Russian, though I've decided to leave a comment anyway. This is a very interesting topic and enlightening also. Because of your post, I've decided to close the blinds when I sleep so no Russian people or anyone for that matter can use brain control while I am sleeping. Thank you for the warning!

  6. Thank you for this very helpful warning! After reading this post, I checked my own blog's stats and found that it had a large number of views from an unknown site that appeared to be coming from Ukraine. I don't know why that is -- it might be just an internet bot. Anyway, this post was very unique and a helpful reminder that it is easier to access other people's sites than one might think.


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