The Blogs Can Be Fun if You Let Them

by Jack Holder

     The Bologna Empire continues to grow! I would formally like to welcome our first British viewer! Our territorial expansion has come with even more good news! There were only 20 new international views the The Bologna Blog since my last post. It appears that me calling out the Russians so heavily has caused them to withdraw from the blog, as they now realize that the jig is up. Be sure to comment if I've scared them away from your blogs too! There is also something very strange going on with the "audience" tab of The Bologna Blog. When I look at the audience in the month view, it shows 1 pageview each from Turkey and Ireland, as well as different amounts from all the other usual suspects. But, when I look at it is the all-time view, the views from Turkey and Ireland disappear. My guess is that they were attempting to hide from me so I don't expose them, but they failed! But, even if they are trying to hide, I welcome the expansion of The Bologna Blog to 2 new countries!
     In other news, congratulations to Mikayla, Elan, and Jeana for winning Japan Bowl (even if you did steal the victory from me and Doren)! The event was cool and the food was better. It also wasn't too stressful, which was nice. Anyone taking other languages should totally just transfer to Japanese just for this event (totally serious). The Japan Bowl agora class was also fun. Be sure to comment with your favorite agora class!
     In still more news, Theodore is wearing a bathrobe! I have no clue why, but he probably won't be when you're reading this post, so this is more of a time capsule of this event. Also, why didn't he wear this during pajama day, if he's fine with wearing a bathrobe around, why not do on the day that's meant AND whenever you feel like it, instead of just on this random Friday? And yes, I do know that Theodore can't actually see this blog post, but I need content, and I will get content.
     For anyone reading this post, please start posting more things that aren't book reviews. It gets boring just reading a book review, then commenting on it saying how much I now want to read the book, and then saying they did a good job. I need some more interesting content, people! These blogs are a pathway to many abilities some consider to be funny (bonus points if you can name the movie I'm pastiching). Zev is pretty much the only person I've seen who doesn't do mostly book reviews, and he actually talks about academic topics, which is not as interesting as my posts, of course, but are still better than book reviews. So, to all the people reading this post, I challenge you to make your next post not a book review!


  1. I'm not entirely sure if there are actually Russians reading this blog post- but its.. interesting... reading that your blog has been visited by people outside of the united states. I agree with you on the fact that people should post more than the standard book review- I think there's a lot of room for creativity and a lot more room for diversity when it comes to book reviews. Also, Theadore's justification to his wearing a bathroom is "It is pajama day for tech people."

  2. Interesting. Thank you for your updates on the number of viewers not from the US. I wonder if that British viewer is an actual person who stumbled upon the Bologna Blog. In response to your request of not writing blog posts on books, I could try to write a blog post not about a book, but I don't know what the topic would be, so I'm going to stick to books for now. Also good job at Japan Bowl! And yes Emily, Theodore is wearing a bathroom.

  3. Very insightful and educational. I love the way you covered multiple topics withing one post, seamlessly tying together seemingly unrelated topics. My favorite part was when you complimented my blogs as it is perhaps the nicest thing you have ever said to me (and the reason why I am leaving this comment). I enjoy your monthly updates on the viewers of your blog, however it would be nice to have more varied and original content in the future (like a new type of poetry or a top 10 list).

  4. You seem physically unable to write blog posts about books, which is the main reason of these blogs. With this recent resurgence of non-book related posts, we really have to ask ourselves when enough is enough. Let's get back to our humble roots of writing actual blog posts that are at least somewhat related to books. I agree some creativity spices things up. As my middle school PE teacher used to say in a scarily monotone voice, "Variety is the spice of life". At this point it seems like someone is sitting down and writing about their day for about 10 minutes then calling it quits. This movement of non-book related posts started off unique and funny, but at this point people are doing it for the sake of being meta. I'm sure the time will come where I will write a post that has nothing to do with books and mirrors this 'writing about my day' style, but until then, I'm going to keep judging you for doing it.



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