A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Netflix Series

Written by Elise (Elle) Maurer

As part of research into Lemony Snicket’s story of the misadventures of the Baudelaire orphans, I have been watching the episode corresponding to the book I have just finished (currently the last one I’ve seen is halfway through the hostile hospital due to time and scheduling reasons.) The first season, premiered January 13, 2017 follows the children along the first four chapters of their journey. In total, there are three seasons, all of which are now available on Netflix. For this review, I would first like to talk about the casting of the characters, then I will release another review detailing my thoughts on the plot comparison. For a more in depth synopsis of the plot refer to my previous review here. I will not be giving a description outside of physical for the characters.
Related image
Count Olaf As
In The Books
For the review of the casting, I will be focusing on the main character who appear in more than two episodes of the series, as critiquing every guardian would make this review painfully long. To start, Count Olaf:
Neil Patrick Harris as Count
Count Olaf in the books as tall, light skin, blue eyes, an eye tattooed on his ankle, and a uni-brow. His demeanor is mean and threatening and according to the children he always has a gleam in his eye. I think the casting of Neil Patrick Harris as Count Olaf was the best decision in connection with the show. He plays this character very well and adds an element of fear when looking at him, and gives the impression he is disgusting and filthy as described in the book. Just look at the positively evil glare of him. Wonderful, magnificent, nothing could beat that!!
Louis Hynes and Malina
Weissman side by side

Next we move on to the subject of the book. The orphans. I would first like to critique Klaus and Violet by comparing them to each other. Violet is portrayed by Malina Weissman, and Klaus by Louis Hynes. Comparing them to their physical description in the book, they fit very well, but not so much in comparison to each other. Violet and Klaus appear to be about the same age, though in the books, Violet is around a year and a half older than Klaus. It is confirmed in the beginning of the series that Klaus is twelve (and shortly turns thirteen thereafter in The Vile Village) and Violet is 14. Females tend to go through puberty around this age, though males do not start showing strong signs of puberty until they hit being an old 13 or even 14. Therefore, Klaus should look a lot younger than Violet in the series, especially considering Malina looks older than 14. I understand filming a series such as this one takes time, and the kids will grow up during the process, but even in the first season, Malina and Louis looked too old, especially Louis in comparison to Malina, than they were portrayed in the book.

Presley Smith as Sunny in
Season one of The Series of
Unfortunate Events
Again, working with child actors is a challenge, especially babies, and in the case of Sunny, she is not nearly as developed in the series as she is in the books. This is mostly attributed to the fact Presley Smith, who plays Sunny, was only eight months old upon her arrival to the series. She probably got frustrated easily and could not deal with acting out full scenes, as her older on-screen siblings could. During this time of life, she would be growing very fast and the time taken to film the show is much longer than that of the books so it makes sense why we see Sunny grow up so fast on camera. In the books, she isn't walking until the seventh book, while in the series she is walking by the fifth. This was frustrating for me as also she was not given as much screen time in the series as she was in the book. Situations revolved a lot around sunny during the plot of the books, yet shy away from her as much as they can during the series.

Overall, I have to say the producers have done an amazing job of bringing justice to these books(so much better than the movie version flop of 2004), and especially working with child actors. The acting of the children sometimes feels stiff, awkward, and scripted (I mean, of course it is but we as the viewers aren't supposed to know that), but the children begin to gain confidence in themselves towards the end of the series. I'll have to give the series 3.9/5 bologna slices for casting, as there are some issues in the quality and ages of the actors. Until next time, enjoy this quote from Lemony Snicket, "At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough. and what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey.”


  1. Ah yes, I remember watching this show during 6th grade PARCC testing. I was intrigued by it, but it also scared the 6th grade me. I enjoyed reading your review. I agree that the character of Count Olaf was well portrayed by Neil Patrick Harris (he was the character that scared me so much). The idea of Sunny being older than she should in the show makes sense, and I never thought of that. However, I don't really agree with your idea that Klaus should look younger in the show. People hit puberty at different times in their teen years, so Klaus may have hit puberty earlier than average kids. Overall, I found your post to be entertaining. Good job!

  2. I was not a fan of the Netflix show, but I did really like reading the books and your review provided a lot of information and well-stated opinions that make me want to watch the show again and reconsider my feelings. I also agree with your statement that Neil Patrick Harris did a great job as Count Olaf as he is a very unique and iconic character in the series and the costumes and style that Neil Patrick Harris performed in matched my thoughts of Count Olaf when I first read the books perfectly. Great informative review!

  3. I remember the series from my elementary school years and it was one of my favorites. I had also watched the first few episodes of the show before being scared off by the creepy lizard (or whatever it was) that showed up. I do agree that Count Olaf was well cast. I found him to be quite terrifying. You provide reasonable points to back your arguments, however, I would like to mention that I believe that the exact age doesn't really matter as long as the acting is good. I do agree that the actors were pretty awkward, though, so I understand where you are coming from. I also think the link you provided for another review you wrote was a cool aspect to add to your blog post! I'll be sure to look out for some of your other reviews.

  4. Wow, this is a really good review! I haven't seen the netflix series yet, but this definitely made me consider. I like how you provide substantial evidence to prove all of the points you made and think that you did a great job of providing a positive review while drawing light to some of the negatives. Good job!

  5. I really enjoyed reading this review. I remember reading A Series of Unfortunate Events in elementary and how I quickly became attached to the characters. I have watched a little bit of it o Netflix, but I haven't watched through all the seasons available. I also liked how Neil Patrick Harris played Count Olaf because of how his physical description and acting goes well with his character. I agree that they did a pretty good job of bringing the book to life and I think this was a nice change from what is normally posted.

  6. I personally haven't read the book series, but I have watched the series. I think your applause of Count Olaf's casting is well deserved- I think Harris does a fabulous job at portraying the character- although I do think that some of the casting for the children is too harshly criticized in this review. I can imagine that finding younger actors to play in a series with about a pg 13 rating would be difficult, as there are many regulations on child actors. Also, I think the show's lack of scenes with Sunny is reasonable, as there are many restrictions on how many hours babies can spend in film production. Also, some acting roles may be overly difficult for her to perform and overall I think the show gave her enough action in the series.


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