Dark Tide 1: Being at Peace with Who You Are


by Jack Holder
     Currently, I am reading a book called Onslaught in the double book series called Dark Tide, which itself is in the larger story arc of the New Jedi Order. All of these things can be seen on the cover of this book from Michael A. Stackpole. It follows the missions of Princess Leia and her daughter Jaina as they struggle to protect and manage huge amounts of refugees, her son Anakin as he accompanies his sick Aunt Mara as she uses the Force to combat a mysterious disease, of her other son Jacen as he goes with his uncle Luke Skywalker to investigate the invasion point of an extra galactic species, and finally Jedi Master Corran Horn as he seeks to rescue trapped academics on the surface of an isolated planet. 
     It deals with being who you are because while Jacen is off with Luke, he is thinking about who he wants to be, and whether or not that entails being a Jedi. He reflects on the ethics of the Jedi in their current state, and whether or not the ends justify the means, and other philosophical questions.
     The second way it deals with this theme contains *SPOILERS*, so skip this paragraph if you don't want to see the spoilers. Near the end of the book, Mara realizes that the disease is slowly winning because she is being cooped up and sitting in bed, instead of doing what she loves, which is fighting bad guys. Once she does this, she starts to feel better, although the disease is far from beat.
   Spoilers over, time for a review. This book was pretty good. It had a good story, great detail, and a mix of new and classic Star Wars characters, which kept it interesting and fresh. I would recommend this book to those who love Star Wars, but would also recommend reading the first book in this series, Vector Prime. Lots of bolognas!


  1. Interesting review. I have always been a Star Wars fan but have never gone into all of the novels and stories that have been written about it. I really enjoyed how you described the theme of the story and how it relates to Luka and Mara. I wonder how the theme is conveyed with the all of the main characters.

  2. I like that you're continuing this Star Wars theme for your second blog post. Although I'm usually critical of anything outside of the original trilogy, your positive review might convince me to give this book a try. Does the book touch on why Leia named her son Anakin (was it in honor of the Anakin that killed her mother)? Also, does this storyline conflict with the two most recent movies or does it tie in? Thanks for the spoiler warning, I wish more people added those to there posts. In addition, though not related to the content of this post, I like the new background of the blog.

    1. This book, along with probably over 100 other very good Star Wars books that I would recommend, does conflict with the recent Disney Star Wars movies, although I prefer the story line of these books more than the new movies.


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