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Lucky in Love: A Bologna Blog Review
Written by Leo Maurer

Currently, I’m working my way through the book Lucky in Love written by Kasie West. The book is a classic love story between two awkward teenagers, who aren’t as awkward as they seem. The story opens in a small town in southern California, and is set around a studious girl named Maddie who miraculously wins the lottery. Suddenly her world of financial struggles are turned upside down. Instead of worrying about money and getting an academic scholarship to a nearby college, she can focus on pursuing the boy of her dreams and drive an insanely expensive car. 

I’ve only made my way through about half the book, both due to boredom with the plot and an insanely busy schedule, but I can already tell it’s a script for a rom com waiting to be made. The book was recommended to me by a friend, well actually I was told not to read it by the said friend, so naturally I decided to read it out of spite. I began the book a few weeks ago, and it never has really drawn me in. The plot is extremely predictable and I can already guess how the book is going to end. 

Overall the writing is not terrible. The author does a good job structuring sentences and paragraphs and moves through the story well. The author also picked an unconventional setting for the plot to take place, as it revolves around the local zoo. I applaud the author for trying to make the plot seem different from other classic teen love story, but unfortunately she couldn’t move enough away from the conventional template to make an en captivating story.

Although I generally feel this story is too similar to every other teen love story, it is a cute love story that will make any person swoon. Maddie’s relationship will make you reflect on your relationships and how you want to fall in love. I would recommend this book to anyone who has a soft spot for cheesy teen love stories, and doesn’t mind rereading a common plot they grew up with.
Overall, my rating is 6/13 bologna slices.


  1. I see no one else has commented. Oof.

    Despite this, I think your review has a touch a comedy while still giving an unbiased review of the book. I don't think I will be checking out this book anytime soon, however if I'm looking for a sappy love story I know know where to look. ;)

  2. Thanks for the review! Sappy love stories are always welcome, dumb as they are. Onto the actual review! I think your use of structural paragraphs is very helpful for the reader to know where blocks of ideas are. Your voice is also very present, giving the review a conversational tone. Thanks for the review, and I'll be sure to keep this particular love story in mind!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don’t think I’ve ever read a romantic story, nor do I plan on reading one in the future, but despite my lack of experience I still found this review interesting. Without knowing what a “generic” teen romance novel is, your review does a good job of explaining your issues In a way that anyone could understand. I also liked that you mentioned why you chose this book, as I am always curious when I see people reviewing books I've never heard of. Your casual tone and ability to convey a lot of information in a relatively short amount of text made this a good review.

  5. This was a good review. You did a good job addressing both the good and not so good parts of the book while still giving an honest opinion. I agree that when plots are too predictable, sometimes it can get boring. Although, personally I think I might enjoy this book if I'm in the mood for it haha. Thanks for the review!


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